Tuesday, June 9

How to Dress for a Graduation Party

It’s that time that comes every so often that makes you excited for the future- graduation. Whether you’re the graduate and heading off to college or open life, or a close friend celebrating, there’s always that one party that is thrown where you and friends and family dress up, and party in jubilation.

Keep it fun
Even if you don’t know what’s headed your way for the future, there’s no reason to dress shamefully and sadly. Keep your outfit joyful and maintain a poise that you’re ready for what life will bring.

Keep it fairly professional
A graduation party, as fun and exciting as it is, also isn’t meant for you to go completely loose- wear something appropriate that you won’t mind saying hi to someone older than you with.

Make it memorable
10 years from now when you look back at those Facebook pictures of you at that party, don’t regret what you wore. Wear something that is not only suited for the scene, but also something you won’t be embarrassed in.

But no matter how old you are, what school you graduated from, and what you plan on doing with your life afterwards, what’s key is to have fun and wear something that will give you a fresh start. Expect the unexpected.

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